How to Update GreenCardHero - GreenCardHero

How to Update GreenCardHero

IMPORTANT: Do NOT uninstall your current version of GreenCardHero at any point during the update; otherwise, your existing data will be lost. If you update following the instructions below, your existing data will be safe after the update.

For Mac Users

Option 1

Close and reopen GreenCardHero. Wait for about 10 seconds after the software relaunches and you will see the following popup displayed. Follow the instructions on the popup and you are good to go!

Option 2

If the update window does not pop up, you can download the new version from our website, and install it on your computer. All the existing data you have entered into GreenCardHero will be automatically transferred to the new version after the update. IMPORTANT: do NOT uninstall the existing version at any point (it’ll be automatically replaced by the new version).

After the update

After the update, the software version number at the bottom of the screen should display the latest version (note that the version number in the picture below is not the latest version):

For Windows Users

Step 1

First, let’s backup your data by selecting “Export Data” in the GreenCardHero File menu (shown below). Save the exported data somewhere safe on your computer, so that in case something goes wrong during the update, your existing data is backed up. If a update dialog window pops up while you are trying to export data, dismiss the update window and don’t update yet (you’ll have plenty of opportunities to update later 🙂

Step 2

Next, close and reopen your current version of GreenCardHero on your computer. A dialog window should pop up within 10 seconds and prompt you to update. Click update and you are good to go.

Step 3

Then, if the dialog window does not show up, you can trigger a manual update by going to “Update GreenCardHero” as shown below:

Step 4

Finally, in the unlikely event that neither of these two methods work, you can download the new version from our website, and install it on your computer. Remember, do NOT uninstall the existing version at any point (it’ll be automatically replaced by the new version).

After the update

After the update, the software version number at the bottom of the screen should display the latest version (note that the version number in the picture below is not the latest version):

About GreenCardHero

We are a community of former applicants who successfully went through the hair-pulling, eyeball-popping green card application process ourselves. We believe every couple should have access to quality guidance and file their application with confidence, without costing an arm and a leg in the process. That’s why we created the apps, tools, and guides at GreenCardHero. If you share our vision and want to contribute to the community, drop us a line!