Lawyer for Marriage Green Card: Should I DIY instead? (Quiz)

Lawyer for Marriage Green Card: Should I DIY instead? (Quiz)

Marriage green card, can I do it myself to save money and have full control, or should I hire an immigrant lawyer to get guidance and peace of mind? This is the eternal question swirling in most new marriage Green Card applicants’ mind.

The answer depends on how complicated your case is. Take this quiz to find out:

GreenCardHero Lawyer vs DIY Quiz

Does the applicant have any immigration violation?

Does the applicant have any past criminal offenses?

Does the applicant have a previously denied immigration application?

Will the applicant need public assistance such as welfare in the U.S.?

Is the income of the applicant's spouse below the government poverty line?

Is there any other tricky issue you can think of?

Gist of the Quiz

For a clean and simple marriage Green Card application, you do not really need a lawyer; DIY is a perfectly valid option. On the other hand, the more complicated your case is, the more hiring an immigration attorney becomes a good option.

Below I will show you how to find the right strategy for your particular case:

Three Application Strategies

There are three different strategies for preparing your Green Card application, based on your case’s complexity level.

Strategy 1 – Do it yourself without a lawyer: Your case is simple and straightforward.

Strategy 2 – DIY with lawyer review: Your case is simple but there are a couple issues you are not quite sure about. You can fill out the application by yourself, and have a quick review with a lawyer before you submit.

Strategy 3 – Hire a lawyer: Your case has major issues that increase your rejection risk or involve complex paperwork. You need the guidance of an immigration lawyer to make a strong case for your application.

How to find out which strategy suits me?

You can find out through this simple three-step checklist below. Once you know which strategy to use, the application process becomes much easier!

Step 1

If any of the following applies to the applicant (the person seeking a Green Card), use Strategy 3:

  • The applicant has immigration violations
  • The applicant has past criminal offenses
  • The applicant has a previously denied application
  • The applicant will need public assistance such as welfare in the U.S.

If there is any other issue that you think increase your rejection risk or involve complex paperwork, use strategy 3.

Step 2

If none of the above applies, but there are some issues you are not quite sure about, or you just want a quick lawyer review for peach of mind, use Strategy 2.

Step 3

If none of the above applies, use strategy 1.

Game Plan for Each Application Strategy

Strategy 1: Do it yourself without a lawyer

  1. Read the Definitive Guide to Marriage Green Card Application to get an overall understanding
  2. Prepare your application with GreenCardHero’s Application Preparation Software (it’s free!)
  3. Mail your application
  4. Receive Green Card

Strategy 2: DIY with lawyer review

The same steps as Strategy 1. The only difference is: Before submitting your completed application, work with an immigration attorney for a thorough review (usually under $300).

Strategy 3: Hire a lawyer

  1. Read our Definitive Guide to Marriage Green Card Application to get an overall understanding
  2. Work with an immigration lawyer to prepare your case (fees vary).
  3. Mail your application
  4. Receive Green Card!

There you have it! Now with a clear game plan in mind, go ahead and start your green card journey!

Now I’d like to hear from you:

Are you applying by yourself or hiring a lawyer?

What has your experience been?

Any other questions you would like me to address in the guide?

Let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

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We are a community of former applicants who successfully went through the hair-pulling, eyeball-popping green card application process ourselves. We believe every couple should have access to quality guidance and file their application with confidence, without costing an arm and a leg in the process. That’s why we created the apps, tools, and guides at GreenCardHero. If you share our vision and want to contribute to the community, drop us a line!